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Name Selection

Name examination, name selection, change of name and selection of baby’s name.

Image by Aaron Burden

Residential Geomancy

Analysis of residential, commercial and industrial properties (both occupied/ unoccupied, constructed/ unconstructed) based on the external appearance, geographical location and interior decoration. Includes analysis of sign board, auditorium and vacant plot of land.


Purple Stars Astrology

Fortune of the year, phase of fortune, trend of fortune, financial luck, marriage, children, old age and health.

Star Cluster

Four Pillars Astrology (Ba Zi)

Analysis of Ba Zi, for individuals, family members and employees.


Graveyard (Tomb) Geomancy

Selection of overseas cemetery, plot of land, buried graveyard, future graveyard, ancestral plaque, and ash jar.

Image by Joe Beck

Date Selection

Date selection for childbirth, opening of business, marriage, launching and promotion of product, project activity and house/office moving.

Calendar Pages
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